Thursday, April 26, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Excited?  Nervous?  Scared?  Yes, yes, yes.  Peace Corps has been something I’ve talked about for so long as a thing of the distant future, but here we are.

I fully believe this program and assignment are a good fit for me.  I am also admittedly terrified.  There is much about my living conditions for the next 27 months that I acknowledge I have no idea what I’m really getting myself into.  I likely will not have running water, electricity, or regular access to internet.  Bye bye first world.

My assignment in “Sustainable Agriculture” ties in well with the work I’ve been doing for the last several months in organic gardening.  This broad assignment could involve any variety of food production related projects, and I look forward to learning how to improve farming practices in local communities while protecting natural resources.  I have no doubt this experience will be extremely valuable as I go on to pursue a career in international development.

My first few months will be spent training near the Peace Corps Panama headquarters outside of Panama City.  From there I will move to my yet to be determined project site for the following two full years.  I am allowed to host visitors after being in country for six months (three months training + first three months onsite), so if you’re interested in coming down, let me know!  You have from November 2012 to July 2014 to do so.

Please know that I care about all of you deeply, and leaving is always terribly difficult for me.  However if you really know me, you know that I’m a challenge-seeker and find joy in growing from each new experience.  I look forward to keeping in touch and to making the most of what the Peace Corps loves to call: “the toughest job you’ll ever love.” 

2 check-in < 100 lbs ... whew!